It does not go away, but neither does it recover


The approval of Lomloe High School Curriculum last Tuesday confirmed the intent of the philosophy, which has already been promoted in the form of projects: it will no longer be mandatory at ESO, it is no longer elective, which the institutions have to offer in the 4th. This is happening now (although in reality the subject was called ethics) and instead it is backed up by another compulsory subject in the bachelor. That is, it will be possible to complete the compulsory stage (ESO) without a single ethics or philosophy subject (as has been the case so far), but those who enroll in a bachelor’s degree will have twice as many. And autonomous societies have yet to do their part: they can offer it as an option.

Professionals in the field –And all kinds of public and private voices– They are outraged by the ministry for breaking, they say, the consensus reached in Congress on restoring the issue that originally reflected the 2013 Wert Act (Lomce). The government not only is not fulfilling what it promised in Parliament and Parliament The words of the Prime Minister himself, [Pedro Sánchez, cuando era diputado]But the existence of philosophy in the educational system is allowed to be further reduced, “- worries the Spanish Philosophical Network (REF), which is the backbone of the Spanish philosophical community and coordinates all associations, foundations, educational institutions, centers. Research related to the implementation of the philosophical profession, etc.

The ministry argues that the issue is resolved by including the subject of values ​​(although professors of philosophy argue that it does not replace it) and recalls that curricula are “zero sum: what some subjects receive is equal to what they lose.” others. Therefore, expanding the schedule for one entity forces us to reduce the schedule for others. ” Minister Pilar Allegria tweeted today that “the content of the philosophy will be binding on the subject of ethical and civic values ​​in ESO” and noted that “until now it was optional” and recalled that “societies can fulfill this offer. Curriculum Chapter ”, which is 50% for official language communities and 40% for non-official language communities.

This issue is also added to the list of issues facing government partners. United We Can tried to include ethics in the ESO 4th year during the parliamentary process – one of its representatives, Javier Sanchez Serna, a philosophy teacher on leave – but met with resistance from the PSOE. The MP today resumed interference in the commission discussing the issue.

From three to one and now to two

What specifically happened between Lomche and Lomloe? A big blow was dealt to the philosophy from the 2006 LOE to the 2013 Lomche change. Wert’s law covered the subject: Of the three compulsory subjects that were in the entire high school (Ethics in 4th year. ESO, Philosophy in undergraduate 1, and History of Philosophy in 2nd year), only one compulsory course remained, in undergraduate 1 – respectively, already Has passed the compulsory stage ending at ESO at the age of 16 years. – and the commitment of the Centers to offer it as an option to ESO in the 4th year. The PP went so far as to say that when Vert went, the party itself corrected itself (not so much as changing the law) and supported an unconstitutional proposal that was unanimously passed in Congress to restore the cycle.

By this agreement between all the political parties, it was believed that there would be more philosophy in Lomlo. But when the Ministry of Education, then headed by Isabel Selaa, began to shift draft curricula, many failed: not only was the compulsory subject for the 4th year of ESO no longer compiled, but it was also elective. That institutions should offer. Instead, there will be a subject at a stage that all students must go through, called ethical and civic values, which, in turn, is a discrepancy between a ministry that maintains that there is no more philosophy in any European country. Than in Spain and all people who oppose the curriculum, a position that centralizes the network of Spanish philosophy.

The reinforcement of the case in Lomlo was left to the bachelor. There will be two compulsory subjects in the five branches of the undergraduate program, one in the first and one in the second.

The Spanish Network of Philosophy argues that “we are worse than ever.” “We only require three cycle courses, 4th ESO, 1st and 2nd undergraduate. And yet it will be less than we have ever had. As for philosophy, this topic is worse than with Lomche. And we do not like Lomche at all, “said Angel Valejo, REF spokesman.

The National Conference of Deans of Philosophy also disagreed with the PSOE decision and issued a statement saying, “It regrets that the weight of philosophy in secondary education has been reduced in the draft LOMLOE regulation. [cuando aún era un borrador]And especially the replacement of ethics as a compulsory subject with such a highly normative subject as education in civic and ethical values, in which critical reflection on the philosophical foundations of moral and political reasoning plays an important role. . ”

“There are no other countries with two subjects”

The education facing an avalanche of criticism has prepared a letter defending its actions. “The existence of philosophy, in international comparison, in its various subjects, is most numerous in Spain. There are no other countries in our environment where there are two common subjects (at least three hours per week, or 10% of school hours) philosophy undergraduate or teaching that will lead us to university. High school hours are 30 hours without community language in communities and 33 in communities where they have. “Spain has 1054 study hours per year, the EU average is 893, and OCD 758 hours,” it said. And this applies to matters of ethical and civic values.

“In the voice [la asignatura] Was elective under the previous law. Under current law, the subject of ethical and civic values ​​is mandatory for all students (it should be taught in a community-defined course), ”they explain, recalling that, unlike Lomche, autonomous communities have a place to raise their electives, so“ philosophy may still be elective. , To be binding on civic and ethical values. This subject has three blocks and one of them is entirely dedicated to ethical-philosophical issues, ”said Education.

The problem with REF is that they do not consider values ​​to be a philosophy or an ethic, no matter what they call it. “They have revived the idea of ​​civic and constitutional values ​​and are fleeing to philosophy,” Vallejo laments. “We are not talking about granting citizenship, which social science teachers could do perfectly well, we want to give them ethics,” explains the network representative and teacher. “It shows the inappropriate confusion of high-level teachers by assimilating ethics into citizenship, believing that the moral education required by the constitution and the critical sense required by educational laws are guaranteed alongside the subject of civic values,” Vallejo explains.

In other words, the subject of values ​​explains what (such values ​​must be respected), but does not go into how (critical analysis and interpretation of these values: why we adhere to some and not to some). REF does not even consider them incompatible: “Parties that have the same different political positions as the United We Can or the People’s Party adhere to the ESO 4th Ethics and also the civic subject in one or more ESO courses. “It is easy to reach an agreement,” they explained.

Source: El Diario


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