Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused millions of people to flee their country. Lots of families come to Spain every day, especially women with children who are asking to be accepted as refugees and need support to move forward. And in this case the banking service plays an important role.
In the face of this situation, CaixaBank has activated the search service Ensure financial inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in Spain. The unit was the first to use the protocol in its offices to attend conflict victims, with measures such as simultaneous translation services, documentation adapted to facilitate understanding of information, and specific contracts and products, such as social reporting. Of CaixaBank.
The initiative aims to go beyond the strictly financial sphere and aims to support and accompany all people displaced by the war in Ukraine. For this reason, when they visit the nearly 5,000 branches of CaixaBank, they are attended by an employee of the organization who Has translator support Who telematically acts as a translator between the two.
Similarly, CaixaBank employees already have a special adaptation of the required documentation Social Account Contract. They also have access to specific training materials, detailed instructions for the whole process, and photos of Ukrainian identification documents valid for recruitment.
Ukrainians who open a social account will have a document translated into their language on the terms of service.
The Social accountFeatured in the Bank’s catalog since 2014 to provide financial incentives for people who can prove vulnerable, is a completely free product that includes a checking account, debit card, access to a digital bank – CaixaBankNow website and app – and free use. CaixaBank ATMs, including check deposit.
Free use of ATMs and sending transfers
These measures join many others started by a deeply socially motivated entity such as CaixaBank.
In addition to specialized care in the branch network, the Ukrainian refugee population in Spain has several free services at CaixaBank. For example, cardholders issued by Ukrainian banks already have free access to CaixaBank’s ATM network in Spain, the largest country in the country with 13,000 terminals.
Similarly, from the beginning of March, the subject promotes Free shipping on transfers to Ukraine And in neighboring countries where Ukrainian civilians are fleeing the country: Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.
Global package of events
As a result of the humanitarian crisis created by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, CaixaBank has launched a global package of measures to help civilians affected by the conflict.
In this regard, the organization has partnered with the CaixaBank Volunteer Association, which has more than 5,000 members in Spain, to mobilize a convoy of buses to facilitate the evacuation of people from the Ukrainian-Polish border. Anyone wishing to apply in Spain. Thanks to this initiative, a total of 204 Ukrainians, mostly young women and children, have arrived in Spain, and a second convoy is leaving in the coming days.
This is how CaixaBank started among its employees Fundraising Initiative To facilitate the relocation of refugees. All CaixaBank Group employees received an invitation to make a financial donation, committing to the end of the campaign crowdfunding, The unit will match the contributions collected by the workforce. Funds are managed by the CaixaBank Volunteer Association.
These same volunteers are also mobilizing to support various NGOs in everything they need to do to help the Ukrainian people. Volunteers are thus involved in initiatives to collect medicines, perishable food or basic necessities, which, depending on the need for specialized agencies to assist refugees, may be to support people who have arrived or been sent to Spain. Ukraine.
Free channeling of donations
These initiatives are in parallel with the direct donation platform launched in favor of CaixaBank Humanitarian organizations Who work on the ground with refugees. This service channels anyone interested in collaborating, regardless of whether they are an organization’s client, and allows them to do so through all channels – digital banking, ATMs and branches – completely free of charge.
Deposits go Designed for nonprofit organizations (NGOs) complied with the initiative. Individuals or companies that have contributed can choose which specific institution to donate to, with full traceability of the aid sent.
Source: El Diario
I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.