The planned three-week “Störwelle” started on Tuesday at 8 a.m. on the Ring in central Vienna. Once again, the climate activists of the last generation drew attention to the climate crisis and demanded 100 km/h on Austrian roads. Climate protests are also taking place on the Gurtel, near the subway station Währingerstraße.
Several participants took to the streets in the first district with banners (“We are racing into climate hell!”) and blocked traffic in the early morning. The glue has been used again. To the dismay of many commuters who had to drive back to work after the long weekend.
25 scientists are also taking part in the protests along the Belt. The traffic chaos this time of course caused several traffic jams. The police are already on the scene to break up the actions.
Tempo 100 as an immediate measure
In April, climate activists of the last generation announced a new wave of disruption from May 2 in Vienna, which should last at least three weeks. The group spoke of their biggest move to date. Their demands once again: “Yes to 100 km/h on the autobahn, no to fracking in Austria!”
Radical forms of protest
To draw attention to the climate crisis, the last generation uses radical forms of protest, such as sticking to the street or pouring soup over well-known photos. They also disrupted the Vienna Marathon this year to draw attention to their demands. They also accept sanctions for this.
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.