Should Hungary sit outside? – Council Presidency: EU Parliament rejects Orban’s suitability


It is a diplomatic blow: the EU parliament has denied Hungary’s suitability for a Council presidency by a large majority.

442 of 619 MPs on Thursday approved a resolution casting doubt on Hungary’s suitability to take over the presidency of the EU Council by mid-2024. In plain language, this means that the European Parliament is demanding a suspension of the Hungarian EU Council presidency by a large majority.

The resolution has no legal implications, but contains diplomatic explosives. The Austrian EU parliamentarians voted in favour, with the exception of FPÖ deputies.

EU sees violation of fundamental rights
The EU’s mandate holders see insufficient progress on Hungary’s rule of law problems and therefore call for the consistent continuation of the ongoing Article 7 procedure for fundamental rights violations. In addition, EU funds have been frozen due to corruption issues.

Parliament questions whether Hungary is the right presidency against this backdrop. The resolution calls for “an appropriate solution as soon as possible”. The EU treaties do not provide for depriving a country of its rotating presidency.

Source: Krone


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