Tragic road accident in Niederneukirchen in the Linz-Land district (Upper Austria): Three fire brigades, the Red Cross, an emergency doctor and the police were alerted to a head-on collision between a car and a truck in the early hours. morning. One person was so seriously injured in the accident that he died at the scene of the accident.
At around 5:45 a.m., a car and a truck collided head-on on the L 564 near the Avia gas station. Because one person was trapped in the wreckage of the accident, three fire brigades were called in to rescue.
A fatality
Despite prompt assistance from the rescue and emergency doctor, one victim of an accident could not be saved, the injuries sustained were too serious. The L 564 was closed to all traffic during the salvage and clearance work.
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.