Social fraud was exposed – fake “blind person” stole 900,000 euros


Social fraud that is unparalleled: a fake “blind man” managed to steal more than 900,000 euros. In total, the task force of the Federal Investigation Department discovered a damage amount of 89 million euros in five years. Including some rare cases.

Finding those stalking Social Security benefits at the taxpayer’s expense is the job of Gerald Tatzgern, head of the Federal Criminal Investigation Department’s Social Security Fraud Task Force: “There are cases that you don’t think are possible. For example, a feigned man suffered a serious visual impairment for more than five years and caused a total of more than 900,000 euros in damage.”

Disability card and allowances
The man received a disability card with many benefits and perks. Linked to this is eg B. a parking permit, exemption from motor vehicle tax, a mobility allowance and a free motorway vignette.

Another example of benefit fraud: a man received a widower’s pension for years with an allowance for his deceased wife, while he immediately remarried. Tatzgern: “For more than 23 years it was kept secret that the conditions for receiving the widower’s pension no longer existed.” Damage: more than 300,000 euros.

Damage amount of 89 million euros
In total, the task force has uncovered damage totaling €89 million over five years through checks and cooperation with the financial police and payment authorities (PVA, ÖGK, etc.). In the first half of this year alone, a total damage of 14 million euros was determined – that is the same as in the whole of 2022. 2218 cases of benefit fraud with 2288 suspects were reported, an increase of 28 percent. 72 percent of the suspects are foreigners, 28 percent are Austrians.

The most common offense is receiving unemployment benefits while there is income. This is followed by the unlawful receipt of the compensatory allowance for the pension, although the persons live abroad and only pretend to live in Germany. In addition, there are often cases where child benefit is obtained fraudulently through false birth certificates.

prison sentences of up to ten years
Benefit fraud is not a trivial offense. According to Tatzgern, damage amounts of more than 300,000 euros threaten a prison sentence of up to ten years.

Source: Krone


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