The umbrella organization for the environment exposes explosive gaps and acute problems in the field of climate protection in an ecological analysis for the “Krone”.
“We are by no means a model environmental country, but rather at the bottom. In the European Environment Agency’s ‘State of nature in the EU’ report, we rank penultimate among the 28 countries analyzed,” warns Gerald Pfiffinger, boss of the environmental umbrella organization. The activist also sees e-mobility in a differentiated way: “Heavy cars are also not electrically ecological, and electrifying SUVs are not enough. The car also has to become smaller.” Focus on the road: “The shift to rail is not working! Last year, 2.48 million trucks crossed the Brenner Pass – 1.35 percent more than in 2021!”
National Pesticide Register required
Another hot topic in the analysis: uncontrolled soil erosion! According to the environmental umbrella organization, Austria’s food independence could no longer be guaranteed as early as 2030 without a rapid turnaround. There is also a need for a national pesticide register that shows who is spraying toxins on the fields, where and how much.
And then there is the EU’s emergency regulation to accelerate the expansion of renewable energy sources! According to Pfiffinger, this de facto undermines species protection because habitats for fauna and flora are undermined by wind turbines etc. Water as a concern: “Construction, regulations and power plants have pushed many of our water bodies to the limits of their capacity.”
Pellets specialist advocates ‘sensible law on renewable heat’
In this context, Windhager boss Stefan Gubi criticizes as a pellet specialist: “We finally need a sensible law on renewable heat that gives consumers clarity.” The construction site: The EEC – which is intended to gradually phase out the use of fossil fuel regulations – has already been negotiated without results in more than a hundred talks between the federal government and the states.
There is currently a storm of outrage surrounding the planned Electricity Industry Act: it is intended that project operators will – in addition to capital investments – also have to pay for increased and hitherto neglected network expansion. The green energy and electricity transition with all the positive consequences that everyone demands, such as CO₂ reduction and decarbonization, would end abruptly
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.