Hundreds of Burgenlanders cannot celebrate the big festival with their families. They are at the service of their fellow human beings.
Whether it’s day or night, weekdays, weekends or holidays, as we all know, medical emergencies don’t follow the calendar. There is no Christmas holiday for employees of the hospital, the police, the government service center and the pharmacy.
Festive atmosphere in the hospitals
This year, 130 people from the four clinics in Burgenland will be on night duty on Christmas Eve. The big festival is also celebrated there. The stations are decorated and every year the houses buy Advent wreaths and Christmas trees. “Working on weekends and public holidays is completely normal in the nursing and medical sector. However, there is a special atmosphere in the departments during the Christmas holidays,” reports Bettina Schmidt, nursing director of the Oberpullendorf Clinic. Bianca Puntigam, Nursing Director at the Güssing Clinic, continues: “Many of our employees enjoy working at Christmas. It is a very special atmosphere. I have the feeling that the patients are even more grateful than usual: only those who absolutely need medical care stay in the hospital.”
24 employees work at the LSZ
For the employees of the State Security Center (LSZ), the Christmas holidays are like any other. Anyone who needs help can get it, such as with health advice 1450. Help is also available for those who are looking for a doctor in their area and have called 141. Experience shows that it is often quiet on Christmas Eve. Planning patient transport is no longer necessary. “Even at Christmas, 24 employees are ready to assist callers with advice and assistance,” assures LSZ department manager Markus Halwax.
“Holiday shifts are part of the job description”
The employees of Job’s Pharmacy in Eisenstadt also have a duty to provide the population with medicines. You won’t be bored. “When things get exciting, up to 130 people will ring the bell on Christmas Eve,” says Simon Job. These are usually acute cases. Job also helps when necessary: “Interrupting donations has occurred regularly in recent years.” But the pharmacy owner takes it with humor, after all, holiday shifts are part of his job description.
There are also no Christmas holidays in the federal army: 450 soldiers are employed on relief missions at the border alone.
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.