Forum Echo – Reducing indirect labor costs: that’s what the community says


The discussion about reducing indirect labor costs is causing mixed opinions, not only in politics, but also in the ‘Krone’ community. You can find the pros and cons of the reduction and other suggested solutions from our readers here.

An opinion poll by the Market Institute showed that 79% of employees and 87% of entrepreneurs surveyed were in favor of a reduction in indirect labor costs. The prospect of a higher net income for employees is probably the main reason for its great popularity. However, users of “Krone” are critical julia1a And Vayu the reduction in view of possible cuts in social benefits and job creation.

“Krone” user elaborates on the savings potential mentioned by economic and social spokesperson Gerald Loacker (NEOS). This emphasizes that wage components can be reduced without negative consequences for employees, for example the Chamber of Commerce tax 2 or housing subsidies.

Basically viewed positively by users Irony sarcasm the reduction of indirect labor costs, but requires a certain diversification to strengthen Austria as a business location.

‘Krone’ readers want a system like the one in the United States horriblewho advocates payment of gross wages and an independent organization of the insurance policies that are thereby abolished.

What is your opinion on the possible reduction of indirect labor costs? Where can costs be reduced so that employees have more left over without this being at the expense of social services? We look forward to hearing your arguments in the comments!

Source: Krone


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