Bizarre protest camp – Palestinian activists are already exhausted


Since Monday evening, masked protesters have set up a tent camp on the university campus at the Old General Hospital in Vienna. The ÖH speaks of “anti-Semitic groups” and clearly distances itself. The police are monitoring the situation and are not taking any action for the time being. The demonstrators already showed signs of exhaustion on day 2. A local “Krone” inspection.

As reported, pro-Palestinian activists set up a protest camp on Monday evening in a cloak and dagger operation in a green area in courtyard 1 on the university campus in the Old AKH.

About 40 people were present at the local inspection “Krone” on Tuesday morning. Largely covered with FFP2 masks and Palestinian fabrics. The day before there were about 100 manifestos. However, no one wanted to talk to us. After shouting anti-Jewish slogans to the accompaniment of drums late into the night, the activists said they were too tired to answer questions. It therefore remains unclear who is behind the university protest camp.

What is striking: The majority of the demonstrators are young women. We also communicate with each other exclusively in English. With an American accent. Curious: the demonstrators also wrote a ‘camp wish list’. Lights, blankets, megaphones, coffee, milk and bicycles are needed. The demonstrators are not even thinking about leaving. Apparently they want to take a chance. The day’s program for Tuesday consisted of a reading group, lunch, various speeches and a picnic.

The police are closely monitoring the demonstration
“There is currently no legal possibility to end the meeting,” Vienna police said in response to a “Krone” request. The protest camp is a gathering within the meaning of the Assembly Act. To date, there has been no criminal conduct, nor has public safety or public welfare been compromised. Furthermore, the site is publicly accessible and there is currently no unreasonable situation for the person being corrected, it is said.

Further impressions from the protest camp:

The Viennese police are closely monitoring the demonstration and are also assessing whether the continuation of the demonstration will cause any disruption to university activities. In this case, the unreasonableness of the demonstration in relation to university activities would be re-examined. At the same time, dialogue with the participants of the meeting is promoted,” Vienna police continued.

The demonstrators are supported by the association “Der Funke”, a revolutionary communist group, and the anti-Israel movement BDS Austria, which openly calls for a boycott of Israel. Both groups are considered anti-Semitic and also call for university protests. By the way, the tents have already been taken down in the nearby Sigmund Freud Park.

Source: Krone


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