Robbery gone wrong – grinning gas station robber stopped laughing


He was, to put it politely, ill-prepared: without a mask or gloves, a robber entered a gas station in Linz and pulled out a knife he had brought with him. But the gas station attendant was not intimidated by this or the threats and grabbed the knife himself. And apparently made more of an impression!

The robber entered the Shell gas station on Salzburger Strasse, on the corner of Wiener Strasse, in Linz shortly before 3 a.m. on Saturday night. He came in smiling and unmasked, but then took a 15 centimeter long knife from his pocket and held it up to the gas station employee, a 25-year-old Afghan from Linz. “Give me everything in the cash register or I will hurt you,” the robber threatened in broken German.

Cuttermesser was located in Griffweite
The gas station employee was not impressed and grabbed a cutting knife that was near the cash register and threatened the robber. He fled on foot and without any loot in a currently unknown direction.

This is what the robber looks like
Now the police are looking for clues about the ‘laughing robber’: the man spoke broken German, was about 25 years old, is about 175 centimeters tall, slim, has short black hair and a southern-looking skin type. He was wearing a brown and green hooded jacket, blue jeans and blue sneakers. Information should be sent to any police station or to the Upper Austrian State Criminal Investigation Office on 059133 40 3333.

Source: Krone


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