The young firefighter comrade from Lower Austria was able to put into practice the first aid knowledge he had acquired. He was now brought to the curtain for his moral courage.
“I’m really proud of Simon because he responds so well,” says mother Maria Michalitz. And she is far from alone. Because what her son did this winter is anything but normal for a 13-year-old. But it perfectly shows how the basic rules that boys and girls learn from an early age become second nature in the youth fire brigade.
broken arm
During the winter sports week, a school colleague fell on the ski slope and broke his arm. Simon noticed this and acted immediately. He knew he had to secure the accident scene first. “I learned that from the youth fire brigade. “I learned this on the ski slopes from nature friend Ebenfurth,” says the 13-year-old.
Since he didn’t have a mobile phone himself, he called a friend to contact the teacher. Even the lack of reception didn’t deter the 13-year-old. Instead, he asked his friend to go straight to the teacher and inform him about the accident and the severity of the injury. Simon stayed with the injured man for a long time, talking to him and cooling his hand with snow.
As part of the graduation ceremony at Ebenfurth Middle School, Simon was honored with a certificate. “The fact that Ebenfuther Secondary School is honoring this campaign with a certificate in front of the whole school as part of this school year’s closing ceremony is a special sign that society continues to value moral courage and willingness to help,” says fire chief Christian Pfeiffer proudly.
Source: Krone
I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.