A terrible accident occurred on the German motorway near Memmingen on Sunday morning. A couple from Vorarlberg left the road with their car and crashed into an underpass. The passenger (56) was able to save himself from the wreckage, but died at the scene of the accident.
A 56-year-old woman from Vorarlberg died on Sunday morning in a traffic accident on the A96 near Holzgünz near Memmingen (Bavaria). The vehicle had a Bregenz license plate. Her 61-year-old husband, the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident, was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
According to the police report, the accident occurred around 8:15 a.m. in the direction of Bregenz. For unknown reasons, the car left the road to the right at a point without a guardrail, drove 200 meters over the embankment and jumped over an underpass onto a farm road. The vehicle then collided head-on with the opposite embankment of this underpass and was thrown back onto the path.
The two occupants freed themselves from the vehicle and called emergency services. When emergency services arrived, the woman’s condition deteriorated noticeably and she had to be resuscitated. According to police, she eventually succumbed to her severe internal injuries at the scene of the accident. The couple’s dog, which was also in the car, was taken to an animal shelter after veterinary care until it was picked up by family members.
Source: Krone
I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.