Converted to Islam – Boys Glorify ISIS: Terrorist Attacks in Lower Austria


Explosive investigations against suspected IS sympathizers on suspicion of membership of a terrorist organization – in the middle of Lower Austria: Two boys from the Tulln district posted IS propaganda on the Internet, as did a young Russian woman from St. Pölten.

The fear of Islamic terror has finally arrived in Lower Austria: First, the case of 19-year-old bomb maker von Ternitz, who wanted to cause a bloodbath at the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna, caused shock waves far beyond the state’s borders. And now, three more young people are suspected of sympathizing with the terrorist organization Islamic State.

This is the result of previous investigations by the State Office for State Security and Countering Extremism (LSE NÖ) and house searches.

Bursch posted photos and videos
A 16-year-old Austrian from the Tulln district posted IS-related photos and videos on ‘TikTok’ and Instagram. Fighters with the IS flag were seen on a motorcycle, and a speaker addressed the ‘Lions of War’ with a call to ‘punish infidels’. Research by the LSE Lower Austria has revealed that the boy is said to have converted to Islam. On the advice of his parents, he has so far refused to provide any information.

Prohibited weapon seized
A 17-year-old Austrian from the Tulln district is also said to have spread suspected IS propaganda. He posted a photo of a young man with a black face and a machine gun, accompanied by the nashid (song to affirm faith in Islam) “The Clash of Swords”. According to investigations by the LSE Lower Austria, this boy is also said to have converted to Islam. Two mobile phones, a prohibited knuckle duster and a stiletto were also confiscated from him.

19-year-old is on holiday in Chechnya
The home of a 19-year-old Russian citizen in St. Pölten was also searched. She is suspected of having posted a video on Instagram featuring the Israeli Defense Minister. The recordings were accompanied by the phrase “We have come as soldiers of Allah.” However, the suspect was not found in the state capital – she is currently on vacation in Chechnya.

Note from Germany
Both the State Office for State Security and Combating Extremism and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of St. Pölten state that the three suspects have nothing to do with each other. The further (terrorist) plans of the suspects are currently unknown. The Austrian authorities were put on the trail of the Russian woman and the two boys by the Federal Criminal Police in Germany after an internet investigation conducted there.

Source: Krone


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