New finding – polar bears don’t depend on sea ice


Scientists in Greenland have discovered that there are polar bears that don’t need sea ice to survive, just freshwater ice.

Researchers have discovered a previously unknown population of polar bears in southeastern Greenland that does not rely on sea ice. Instead, this isolated population preys on freshwater ice near glaciers that drain into the sea, researchers led by Kristin Laidre of the University of Washington write in the journal Science. The population is also genetically different from others. It’s the 20th subgroup of polar bears known to date, the researchers estimate to number several hundred.

consequences of climate change
Previously known populations of polar bears rely largely on sea ice to hunt seals. However, the extent of Arctic sea ice has continued to decline in recent decades due to climate change.

Polar bear numbers continue to fall
The freshwater ice near the glaciers that open into the sea could potentially serve as a ‘previously unknown climate refuge’. Although the study shows how some polar bears can survive climate change, Laidre said. “But I don’t think the glacier habitat will be home to a large number of polar bears. There just aren’t enough of them.” Climate change will continue to reduce polar bear numbers in the Arctic.

Source: Krone


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