Steirer makes a remarkable discovery, peels an egg from an egg


Extremely rare quirk of nature at Kleinsemmering in the Styrian community of Gutenberg-Stenzengreith: “Krone” reader-reporter Richard K. noticed something was wrong with a particularly large egg in the fridge.

It has probably happened to everyone that there are now and then two yolks in an egg. But to find a whole egg inside another egg is a very special rarity.

Video after Google search
This is what happened in Weiz in Styria. “Krone” reader-reporter Richard was surprised to find a particularly large egg in the young hen “Frieda”: “Because of the size, me and my wife Melissa were initially shocked. So I searched on Google for ‘giant egg’ and then made a video of the opening” (see video above).

Especially in young animals
The phenomenon is basically the same as when there are two yolks in one egg. This is especially true in young animals that repeatedly lay eggs, where hormonal imbalances have caused two yolk balls to migrate into the fallopian tube and become a single egg.

“We also have relatively young chickens, they are about six months old,” says the “Krone” reader reporter from Styria. However, it is unusual for a shell to form at the same time.

Incidentally, the farm dogs “Buster” and “Murphy” ate the rare double egg. “Our dogs love raw eggs,” says Richard K. of “Krone.”

Source: Krone


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