Multiple attempted murder – Jehovah -Bomber: Now the charges are at the table


Since the end of May 2024, the 55-year-old Baammerle who has been in custody has been in custody in Styria’s witnesses in Styria since the end of May 2024. Now there is a non -final indictment and it could have it all after “krone” information: the Styrian is more than ten -time attempted murder!

For months the dangerous Jehovah Bomber Styria kept in tension: various attacks were committed near the faith, two car bombs in Leibnitz to explode in August 2023, followed by an explosive device in Kalsdorf and a dumped car premartten. Fortunately there were no victims.

At the end of May of the previous year, access to his workplace arrested: at his workplace, police officers arrested the “Phantom”, an IT technician from the Graz Area District. The 55-year-old wanted to kill his ex-wife after a long and fierce dispute about maintenance. He witnessed Jehovah for a long time, but he was excluded after the divorce. A great commitment in Grazer Elisabethstrasse followed, where the woman’s car was parked – including a bomb, which the researchers only discovered much later.

Not -fitige is ready
Now the indictment is ready, such as Barbara Schwarz, spokeswoman for the Graz State Court, the “Krone” confirms. However, the document is not yet final, and that is why it offers no content. The public prosecutor of Graz also confirmed that he has instituted charges – spokesperson Arnulf Rumpold, however, does not give any further details.

According to the “krone” information, the charges “explosive” ports: even if the bombings claimed when he was arrested that he wanted to “only” wanted to harm his ex -wife, the suspect should end up in court more than ten times in court !

Hell Machine had enormous explosive power
The Hell machine, which had deposited the loner in Kalsdorf for the Kingian Hall of the Jehovahs and the members of the religious community discovered on time, had an enormous explosive power. If she had flown in the air, there would have been major damage to the building. You don’t even like to think about what the bomb people would have done. The attempted murder of his children’s mother is part of the indictment.

More violations, including terrorism, are accused of it
In addition, 55-year terrorism and other violations must be charged. However, the court does not comment on this.

The 55 Syrian lived unobtrusively, in a single-family home with a large garden, but withdrawn, was hardly in contact with his neighbors. Now he is in custody in the Graz-Jakomini prison.

Source: Krone


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