On the French Atlantic coast, the striking lighthouse is threatened with demolition because the sea is getting closer to the structure. The battle against the floods seems lost – to the outrage of many…
The responsible maritime authority has decided that the La Coubre lighthouse will not be moved, but will be permanently demolished when the sea approaches it within 65 meters, reports the newspaper “Le Litoral”. This caused a storm of outrage.
“Save the La Coubre lighthouse” says a petition started by Philippe Gigon. “This lighthouse has stood the test of time and storms and has brought many sailors to safety over the years,” says Gigon. Today, the historic building, which is more than just a landmark, needs support to be preserved.
The coast is just a few meters away
The 64 meter high concrete lighthouse has stood on the coast at La Tremblade in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for 121 years. With its beacon, visible from a distance of 52 kilometers, it shows shipping along the coast. When it was built it was 1.8 kilometers from the coast, now it is just under 130 meters.
As sea levels rise, erosion on the Atlantic and other French coasts increases. A warning signal for France two years ago was the demolition of a large holiday complex in the seaside resort of Soulac-sur-Mer, which brought the sea menacingly close. Up to 50,000 homes would be affected by this nibbling of the sea, then Environment Minister Christophe Béchu said as the excavators arrived in Soulac – about 25 kilometers from the now endangered lighthouse.
The state buys endangered houses to be demolished
Further north, in Treffiagat, in Brittany, the state recently decided – for the first time in France – to buy up endangered houses and then demolish them. Although the municipality only had the dune reinforced with sand in December for 95,000 euros, the president of the regional government, Stéphane Le Doarré, told broadcaster Ici: “We have to admit that we cannot fight.” The battle against the sea is lost.
Axelle Da Silva, who has started another petition for the lighthouse, says enthusiastically: “For me, the La Coubre lighthouse is the most beautiful place in France. It is a piece of paradise on the edge of the ocean, but also a valuable monument to sailors for lovers of the wild coast. We cannot allow him to disappear. Given the threat of erosion, I propose that it be moved, not removed.”
According to the coastal authority, no date or year has yet been set in which demolition will be unavoidable. It’s a “plan” – what matters is how quickly the erosion progresses.
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.