With the new animal welfare law, the long-desired ban on full slatted floors in pig farming has been established: the two responsible ministers announced on Friday that an agreement had been reached. But there’s a catch: the final ending won’t take effect until 2040. The Association against Animal Factories (VGT) criticized the long transition period.
It is a step in the right direction and also a success for the “Krone” animal corner, which has long campaigned for a ban on fully slatted floors. But the existing stables need not be converted until the end of 2039. Full slatted bases without functional spaces in new buildings and renovations will be banned from 2023. There are also improvements in the castration of piglets.
The whole animal welfare package, which has been negotiated with the public, farmers’ advocacy groups, industry representatives, civil society representatives and other stakeholders, will be decided in parliament next week.
Pig farming was most mentioned in the comments on the Animal Welfare Act that were presented at the beginning of May. Fully slatted floors – concrete floors without straw, which are striped with slats – have been a point of criticism for pigs from animal rights activists for years, the VGT has campaigned for a ban for more than three years.
Video: Announcement of new animal welfare measures in May 2022
Also a ban on tying cattle all year round
Animal Welfare Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) described the approaching end of this way of farming as a “huge success for animal welfare” and a “true turning point in pig farming”, as improvements would come for millions of pigs in the coming year. “At the same time, the switch is becoming easier for companies. The large animal welfare package includes a year-round ban on cattle tethering, a ban on the senseless killing of chicks, restrictions on animal transport and many other improvements. This is an important step towards greater animal welfare in Austria,” said the minister.
‘Ministers have shown courage’
The VGT welcomed the coming changes. “Ministers Rauch and (ÖVP Agriculture Minister Norbert) Totschnig have thus shown the courage needed for a big hit in animal welfare.” But there was criticism not only of the long transition period, but also of the fact that the concrete barn systems should not be developed until 2028, which should be the minimum requirement for all pig farms from 2040.
Animal protection NGO Vier Paws demanded in a broadcast that these standards be drafted and adopted quickly – including a mandatory bedding area. The NGO also praised the decision itself, but criticized the deadlines.
Source: Krone

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.