The Styrian industry is sounding the alarm again: energy costs are so high that more and more local companies are working out concrete plans to stop production, warns Stefan Stolitzka, president of the Styrian Association of Industrialists.
In an interview with the “Steirerkrone” more than two weeks ago, Stefan Stolitzka, president of the Styrian Association of Industrialists, was already worried about the future. In a broadcast, he again underlined the urgency of the situation: “All economic indicators are pointing downwards – most clearly. We must assume that the autumn and spring will be extremely challenging, we are threatening a recession in Europe,” he emphasizes. And further: “We feel that many decision-makers in Austria are not aware of the full extent of the situation.”
The share of energy costs has increased enormously
In the broadcast, the trade association explains: Within a year, the prices on the spot markets for electricity had increased sixfold and those for gas even tenfold. A study by the IV Styria has found that in energy-intensive industries the share of energy costs in manufacturing costs has increased from 15 percent initially to 50 percent, and even to 80 percent during peak times.
IV Steiermark warns that energy costs have been at such a high level for months that more and more companies have to make concrete plans to shut down part or even all of their production.
Companies are losing competitiveness
According to the broadcast, these energy prices could increasingly not be passed on. Customers increasingly use suppliers from other parts of the world and Styrian companies would lose their competitiveness. Outside Europe, energy prices are not at a comparable level: producers in the US, for example, can buy energy at prices about one-seventh of those in Europe.
Finally, he calls for concrete steps, both at EU and national level: “The time for discussion is over, we need a solution now, which we have been waiting for since March”, the IV Styrian President appealed .
Source: Krone
I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.