Wholesale energy prices have been falling for months. These are ultimately passed on to the consumer. However, the Labor Chamber and E-Control are critical of the actions of the energy suppliers. We’ll show you why it’s worth comparing offers, why you should consider switching providers – and have special tips for you.
According to an energy expert from AK in the Ö1 “Morgenjournal”, it is deliberately made difficult for customers to benefit from lower prices. According to E-Control, lower prices are often only achieved through discounts or free energy days. That is anything but transparent, says E-Control – as we reported. And indeed, even inclined consumers find it hard to keep up. So how to proceed? It’s best to compare rates and consider switching providers. This can be done in just four steps.
Source: Krone
I’m Ben Stock, a journalist and author at Today Times Live. I specialize in economic news and have been working in the news industry for over five years. My experience spans from local journalism to international business reporting. In my career I’ve had the opportunity to interview some of the world’s leading economists and financial experts, giving me an insight into global trends that is unique among journalists.