The fear of the fast swimmers


Sociologist and sexologist Barbara Rothmüller about the fear of the invisible danger in the water.

Scarcely clad people in the lido capture the imagination of swimmers. Let’s disregard mental cinema. But every year, among the scantily clad young people, they ask themselves the same question about sex education. Can you get pregnant in water?

To put it this way, even if a penis ejaculated in the water of a swimming pool, which in itself is not very common, and then a vagina was swimming nearby at the same time, a woman would not be able to conceive. How so? Sperm cells need their own moisture to move. They are also comfortable in vaginal fluids. However, once the sperm mixes with water (or dries up), the sperm dies immediately.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a lake, sea, pool or bath: you can’t get pregnant unnoticed while bathing. Only when a man and a woman have actually had vaginal intercourse in the water can pregnancy occur. Or if you keep semen in a sealed container. If the sperm is prevented from drying out, sperm can be transported in a cup, for example for artificial insemination. In the deep water, however, neither the evil white shark, which has prevented generations of swimmers from floating leisurely in the old Danube, nor an unplanned pregnancy lurks.

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Source: Krone


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