Sare demonstration and Bilbao comparisons in Aste Nagusia 2022: “Etxera Bidea Gertu”


In a statement, they criticize “that justice based on revenge”, deeming it necessary to combine politics, dialogue and agreements with social mobilization.

Euskaraz irakurri: Sarek eta konpartsek manifestazioa egin dute Bilbon ‘Etxera Bidea Gertu’ lelopean

The Citizens’ Network saree took to the streets today with the equations of Bilbaoon the big day of Aste Nagusia, under the motto Etxera Bidea Gertu.

For example, the collective in defense of the rights of prisoners of ETA, together with the comparsas, started the march, which many people have joined, at 1 pm from Plaza Moyua and has gone through the streets of the center of Bilbao , until reaching City Hall, where it ended after reading a statement from spokesmen Joseba Azkarraga and Bego Atxa.

“The fact that today 70% of Basque prisoners are in Euskal Herria means that” we are burning stages; that the denunciation, mobilization and agreements of the political and social majority serve to move governments and states,” they have indicated. “But, as we said a few days ago, we still have many stages to win“, have added.

In that sense, they considered necessity first.”reconcile politics, dialogue and agreements with social mobilizationsharing the street with people of different ideologies, but united by the goal of changing this situation”.

The spokespersons added that judges and prosecutors “have the right to have their political ideology”. What they are not entitled to and that is why we are denouncing it is that their ideology is applied in their judicial decisions that affect the fundamental rights of Basque prisoners.”

“And it’s just that justice based on the desire for revenge which the National Court executes, while one day yes, and the next, it appeals against the decisions of the prison hearing commissions, regarding the advancement of the rank or the enjoyment of prison licenses”, they told the denounced.

Finally, they recalled that on October 8 in San Sebastián Sare, the challenge of 3,127,326 km marked within the dynamic Izan Bidea will end, with a mobilization that will end with a music festival.

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Source: EITB


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