Full throttle to comfortable – The “crown” was with the parties’ electoral parties


Some jubilant and dynamic, others rather reserved – the vote in the election parties of the Tyrolean parties was just as different as the results of the state elections. While the mayor of Innsbruck, Georg Willi, had some comforting words for the Greens leader Gebi Mair, both the SPÖ and the ÖVP celebrated in good spirits. The “Krone” came by at the election festivities.

Anton Mattle, the top candidate of the Tyrolean People’s Party, was kissed by his wife Daniela. He thoroughly enjoyed it – as did the election victory itself, which was a success for the ÖVP despite a loss of ten percentage points. Congratulations by the “Krone” as a woman on the side of a governor, she only said: “Well, let’s see first.”

The electoral party of the Tyrolean Social Democrats quickly gained momentum. The supporters celebrated “their” Schorsch.

“We would have liked to have done the fourth mandate”
Fritz Dinkhauser, Andrea Haselwanter-Schneider and Markus Sint – all List Fritz – toast to the “sensational result”. A drop of bitterness remains: “We would have liked to have done the fourth mandate. It was really very close there.”

While Sint Dinkhauser was thanking him for the founding of the party, a young voter in turn was entranced by Sint: After shaking his hand, she said: “I am not going to wash my hand today, you are really great.”

Cheering, crowds was the motto of the PVV. “There is a lot to celebrate today,” said Tyrolean FP boss Markus Abwerzger. The “Krone” impression: full throttle.

The Tyrolean Greens had a relaxed atmosphere in the glass painting in the center of Innsbruck. Mayor Georg Willi stopped by and had words of comfort for Gebi Mair: “Politics is like sailing – once through the waves and once at the top. Everything will be fine.”

There was no real party, but a social gathering in the Paninothek at the Neos. The election results did not deceive those responsible for top candidate Dominik Oberhofer.

Source: Krone


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