Interview with Itxaso Atutxa, President of the BBB, in Euskadi Irratia, September 29


“After what happened yesterday,” the chairman of the BBB sees the Generalitat “endangering”. “I don’t know if they will be able to continue working together,” he said.

Euskaraz irakurri: Atutxak esan du bazkideen arteko “konfiantza gutxirekin sortutako Gobernua” dela Kataluniakoa

Behind the announcement by the President of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonèsto the Vice President of the Government and Minister of Digital Policy and Territory, Jordi Puigneró (JxCat), the Government of Catalonia ‘is in danger’. This is what the president of Bizkai Buru Batzar believes, Itxaso Atutxa, who doubts whether the two government partners – Junts per Catalunya and ERC – are now able to continue working together. As he said, it was clear from the moment of inception that the parties were very far apart, “a distance that has grown over time”.

“What is happening is very difficult, but the mistrust comes from the past. We are dealing with a government formed with very little trust between the partners, and the relationship has never been good. JxCat and ERC are far apart,” he assured. .

Asked for the pending transfers, has warned that “time is running out”. He has again accused the Spanish government of failing to deliver on what was promised, pointing out that “good will is not enough”. He pointed out that, although it is “important for the PNV that there is stability in Spain”, “we will not always be aware of what may be on the other side of the abyss”.

On the other hand, the leader of Jeltzale has also referred to the debate on the tax reform that happens in Spain. He has indicated that from the outset the PSOE has “shown a willingness to reach an agreement with us”, but that it will be necessary to see the “legal appropriateness” of the new measures in the Basque system. In any case, she is convinced that the Socialist Party will not take any measure that harms the Economic Agreement, because ‘it is also important for them not to break anything’.

In that sense, he has insisted that “changing taxation is a very complex issue that requires a broad view”, for which he finds the controversy that has arisen in the state on this issue “a bit frivolous”.

Finally, with regard to the possible agreements to be passed in city councils and councils, he has stated that his party will always strive for “stable majorities” in all institutions, and has not denied this, “out of respect and after years of cooperation”. , will be the PNV’s “first call” to the PSE.

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Source: EITB


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