Luger Plain Text – After the Riot Summit: “They’ll All Stay”


After the Halloween riots in the center of Linz, there is now a great disillusionment with state politics that nothing is in their own hands. The confidence of the population continues to dwindle, there are hardly any solutions.

What must be done in Upper Austria to prevent the disturbing images of Halloween night violence in the center of Linz from repeating itself? This crucial question must be answered on Friday at the state security conference in the Linz country house. LH Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) called it together, while his coalition partner Manfred Haimbuchner (FPÖ) would not have done so: he would not have asked for such a security council because of the hopelessness, he trusts the ‘Krone’ in confidence.

“Confidence Fades”
The mayor of Linz, Klaus Luger (SPÖ), summarizes for the first time at such a toothless summit the worrying trend towards street violence by young people, often with a migrant background: “It is actually the case that the people’s trust in politics The decision-makers are increasingly decreasing. One hears that escape routes are closed, one hears that deportations are taking place anyway. But here (in the case of Linz, pay attention) it is not enough for deportations. They all stay.”

“They” are the ones among the 130 reported rioters on Halloween night who are not (yet) Austrian citizens. According to Luger, after they have been convicted and served their sentences, they must show that they have to contribute to our society. “Resocialize, create employment,” says Luger.

“Abandon the Convention on Human Rights!”
Everyone should enter, no one should be expelled – this bothers FPÖ leader Haimbuchner so much that he demands Austria’s withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights, because judicial law is interpreted in such a way that Austria can hardly defend itself against the influx of immigrants.

Head of state Stelzer again points the finger at the EU and its failed asylum policy. It is a failure of the EU that it has not been able to solve the immigration problems for years. Haimbuchner is also sharp here: “The borders must be closed, no one is allowed in anymore. The boat is full!”

And again there is a task force
Or else? LH Stelzer believes that legal possibilities should be created so that the police can act even more preventively, namely by ‘patroling’ on social media and the internet. The director of the national police, Andreas Pilsl, will investigate the possibilities and make suggestions with a task force. Integration councilor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) will also investigate to what extent integration measures have had an effect or failed for Halloween offenders with a migrant background or background and what conclusions can be drawn from this.

“Krone” comment: Lots of hot air at safety top
Again it is worth taking a look at the archive: “We have a problem of increasing crime among young asylum seekers. We must not exaggerate and certainly not close our eyes to it,” said LH Thomas Stelzer at a state security council. – in December 2018. Criminal asylum seekers must be consistently prosecuted and deported, targeted integration measures must be put in place for other problem makers. .
All well and good, but after four years, why are we still in the same situation with violent people from elsewhere who also have no respect for our society and democracy? And then next Halloween? An indictment of politics!

Source: Krone


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