Interview with the General Coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, today, January 27, 2022, on Radio Euskadi


EH Bildu’s general coordinator has rejected the attack by a PNV councilor from Ibarra (Gipuzkoa), saying it was “very risky” to say that the environment of the nationalist left is behind it. He sees “an interest in talking about certain things and stopping talking about others”.

Euskaraz irakurri: Independentzia erreferendumari begira ez da komi “presaka” ibiltzea, Otegiren ustez

The General Coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegihas emphasized that despite EH Bildu’s commitment to conducting a independence referendum in Euskal Herria, considering it “an exercise in political maturity”, not must act in a certain way “eager and running”. However, he is confident that “progress” can be made in this sense in this legislature, although as it is an election year “a lot of things could happen”.

(We are working to expand the information)

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Source: EITB


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