Maddalen Iriarte, MP of EH Bildu and candidate for Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, on Radio Euskadi


EH Bildu’s parliamentary spokesman and candidate for deputy general of Gipuzkoa has stressed that any deal they agree will be aimed at “making left-wing policy” and “advancing the sovereignty of this country”.

Euskaraz irakurri: PSE-EErekin and Elkarrekin Podosekin acordioak ixtea ez du baztertu Iriartek, betiere “edukia” lehenetsita

“Yes, I see myself agreeing with the PSE and Elkarrekin, we can. EH Bildu has agreed with these formations in other institutions. We are from the left, sovereignists and abertzales. We can agree with formations that support leftist policies and want the promote the sovereignty of this country, but to reach an agreement we always put weight in the content”. These are the words of EH Bildu’s parliamentary spokesman and candidate for Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, Maddalena Iriarte, when asked about future appointments after the municipal and regional elections in May. “What we’re not going to do,” he added, “is make close arrangements to get us a seat.”

Interviewed on Radio Euskadi’s “Boulevard” programme, Iriarte has also referred to the situation Osakidetza is going through and although she has not clarified whether EH Bildu will participate in the demonstration organized by the trade unions for February 25, she has said that the demands “are close to the proposals” of the coalition.

In this sense, he believes that “Osakidetza needs a comprehensive analysis to find out what challenges he faces” and “it’s time to talk about the governance of the Basque health system.” “The professionals say so. It’s vertical governance, it’s not cooperative governance. You have to propose a structural change, change things at the root,” he stressed.

Regarding the registration process that started today for the academic year 2023-2024, he stressed that “the measures taken by the Basque government against segregation are positive and should continue on the same path.” According to Gipuzkoa’s deputy general candidate, protecting vulnerable students and guaranteeing diversity is one of the main points of the “historical education pact”. “You have to keep taking steps, but you have to do it very carefully… EH Bildu will further take care of the content of this education pact”.

Finally, the parliamentary spokesman spoke of the law as ‘only yes is yes’, a rule she described as ‘important and good’. He has asked the PSOE and Unidas Podemos to come to an agreement and “don’t take out the dirty laundry” between them, so that they don’t have to choose “between the one and the other” between the parties that the Spanish government will support this legislature. have supported. . “What is probably still missing is a general culture because we are all very punitive and the fact that a law is punitive probably gives us more certainty. I think there are many aspects, like this one, where just from that point of view the violence what women are victims of will not be remedied,” she added.

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Source: EITB


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