Decision on anti-crisis measures for the war in Ukraine, Congress of Deputies, April 28, 2022


The five favorable votes of the pro-independence coalition will allow to pass the decree of “good” measures to alleviate the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, although other structural measures are lacking to address the causes.

Euskaraz irakurri: EH Bilduk krisiaren kontrako dekretua babestuko du, “herritarrekiko eratzukizunagatik, ez Gobernuagatik”

EH Bildu will vote for the anti-crisis decree of the government of Spain, which has been processed as a decree-law in the Congress of Deputies, thus giving approval for approval, since, in addition to the five favorable votes of the pro-independence coalition , it will receive the support from everyone except PSOE, United We Can, PNV, PDeCAT, Más País, Compromís, PRC, Nueva Canarias and Teruel Extiste.

As explained by the nationalist spokesman, Mertxe Aizpurua, they will support the measures because they are “good” at dealing with the effects of the crisis, although they see little to “tackling the causes” and lack structural measures. The coalition has decided to act responsibly and fulfill its “obligation to the people, not to this government”.

“Citizens cannot afford the grave mistakes of this government,” said Aizpurua, who has ruled out voting against the decree in the political espionage case Pegasus. In this sense, EH Bildu calls for the same responsibility and respect for the left-wing proponents of independence who have “enabled the extension of rights for citizens” with their support of the executive throughout the legislature.

“Spying on those of us who are growing this government is not showing respect nor responsibility,” he told Félix Bolaños, minister of the presidency, relations with the courts and democratic memory.

Source: EITB


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