Top topic inflation – Salzburg: FP won an absolute majority among workers


The different population groups in Salzburg voted very differently: the KPÖ Plus scored particularly well with academics, the People’s Party with seniors. The FPÖ has finally replaced the Social Democrats as a workers’ party: the PVV even got 52 percent of this voter segment. Inflation was also a major topic in these state elections.

The KPÖ owes its surprising success mainly to people with formal training. According to an election poll, 17 percent of those with a college degree voted Communist, while 15 percent of those with a high school diploma voted Communist. ÖVP, FPÖ and SPÖ received relatively few votes in this group of voters.

The battle for first place differed per voter group. The ÖVP was mainly elected by people over 60 (44 percent). The FPÖ was especially successful in the group between 30 and 59 and took the lead with 31 percent. In the case of workers, the PVV even got 52 percent and thus an absolute majority.

Inflation remains a hot topic
The main problem for the population in the run-up to the elections was again high inflation. As in Carinthia and Lower Austria, inflation was strongly present in the election campaign. In the SORA/ISA survey for the ORF, nearly every second person (44 percent) said they talked about rising prices very often. This was particularly the case for SPÖ and KPÖ plus voters.

In the SPÖ, 49 percent spoke about inflation, 40 about affordable housing. 40 percent of KPÖ supporters discussed rising prices. Housing was even higher at 43 percent. Affordable housing accounted for 35 percent of all respondents, followed by healthcare (31) and energy (30).

KPÖ benefits from last minute decision makers
According to the survey, 12 percent of Salzburg residents said they had decided who to vote for in the last few days before the election. Another 18 percent decided two to three weeks ago. The KPÖ in particular benefited from spontaneous decision-makers. Here, 23 percent say they have made a decision in recent days, 33 percent in recent weeks.

The general mood in Salzburg was also gauged. The result: It’s rather bad – more on that here – and had a clear impact on the election result, with a clear difference between the parties. Above all, the ÖVP has mobilized those who have noticed a positive development in Salzburg over the past five years, reaching 59 percent in this group. The FPÖ benefits from the negative mood and ends up with 44 percent of those with a negative view of recent years.

Source: Krone


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