To Benko & Kika/Leiner – New U-Committee? Not everyone would be thrilled


The FPÖ calls for a political reappraisal of investor René Benko and Kika/Leiner. But the opposition is divided.

The Kika/Leiner affair is becoming increasingly political. The FPÖ calls for a parliamentary U-committee around the furniture giant, which was quickly taken over by real estate juggler René Benko in 2017/18. Thanks to the kind support of Sebastian Kurz. Benko promised to save thousands of jobs, but instead 2,000 lost their jobs. The FPÖ goes on a reconnaissance with the SPÖ. Positive signals were sent out a few days ago by neoboss Andreas Babler and ÖGB boss Katzian. Yet you hold back. It is more important to find new jobs for those who have been laid off.

Worth it for Greens, pointless for ÖVP and NEOS
The Greens like the FPÖ idea. Nina Tomaselli: “For a short, succinct committee, the subject of Benko with a massive bankruptcy at Kika/Leiner and special treatment for tax proceedings would be a valuable clarification task.” FPÖ general Christian Hafenecker locates possible favors or even abuse of office in Benko’s feeling.

ÖVP general Christian Stocker: “This is just another attempt to defeat political change. A company that has gone bankrupt has nothing to do with the execution of the federal government.” committees have been examined.”

Source: Krone


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