RWA-Boss in “Club 3”: – Storage also for groceries


According to Raiffeisen-Ware-Boss Wolf, Austria should also provide gas for grain, medicines and the like.

As a partner of the warehouses and farmers, Reinhard Wolf, head of Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG, is close to the needs of the Austrians. And for him it is now a matter of expanding storage, as the EU has decided for gas, to other areas: “There may be other crisis scenarios. We should think about stocking up on food or medicine for a while,” the manager suggested in the “Club 3” TV discussion of “Kronen Zeitung”, “Kurier” and “profil”.

This could be achieved through state-private partnerships (PPP models). As a prosperous society, we must be able to afford that security. Because without gas for heating you can dress warmer, but you cannot live without food.

The supply of basic foodstuffs in Austria is currently secured. But our prices are also going up. Wolf believes, however, that the peak of the cost explosion in grain and energy has been reached.

Source: Krone


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