“It is hypocritical to ‘be’ with the primary sector and vote no to the Food Chain Act”


The general secretary of the PSE-EE accuses the Feijoó group of “false moderation” and urges it to bet on “cooperation with the government of Spain”.

Euskaraz irakurri: Anduezak PPri: “Hipokrita da lehen sektorearekin ‘egotea’ eta Elikagai Katearen Legeari ezetz bozkatzea”

The General Secretary of the PSE-EE, Eneko Anduezablamed the PP “leave” to the primary sector with decisions such as the rejection of the food chain law and remain against “box B, the Villarejos and corruption.”

Likewise, he has assured that the “false moderation” of the leader of the people, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, should be translated into “a commitment to this country and to cooperation with the government of Spain”.

Andueza participated this Sunday in the XXIII. Txakolin Eguna, which was organized by the city of Amurrio in Alava, together with the deputy lieutenant and general secretary of the PSE-EE of Álava, Cristina González; the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Consumption, Javier Hurtado; the Deputy for Road Infrastructure and Mobility, Carlos Ibarlucea; Amurrio’s general secretary, David Romero, and other socialist positions and militants.

“We’re with the field because we’ve always been. Others, like the PP and Voxthey fill their mouths saying they are at the field but when it comes to voting for a such a fundamental law like those of the Food Chain, they vote no,” he criticized.

In this regard, he confirmed that the PP of feijoo, is “the one he inherited from Casado, from Rajoy, from Cospedal, from Aznar”. The PP will not change and we have come to expose that hypocrisy by saying that they are an important sector for this country and then they are left behind by voting no to the food chain law,” he repeated.

On the other hand, he stressed that the socialists “support all economic sectors with transformative measures that promote new sectors, through programs Next generation

“We know where the PP is: in box b, in Villarejos, corruption and in what is the living history of the PP,” the leader of the socialists denounced.

Finally, he stated that “that false moderation” by Alberto Núñez Feijóo should be translated “in a commitment to this country and to the collaboration with the government of Spain and for all governments trying to overcome a situation as complicated as this”.

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Source: EITB


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