In addition, according to the EITB group macro survey, Vox would enter the Navarrese parliament with two representatives, Geroa Bai would lose one, like Podemos, and Izquierda-Ezkerra would go from one to two.
Euskaraz irakurri: NA+ koalizioak irabaziko lituzke hauteskundeak Nafarroan, PSNk indarra maintenancedu eta EH Bilduk gora egingo luke
-NA+, Geroa Bai and Podemos would go down
-Vox would join the Parliament of Navarra and the Municipal Council of Pamplona/Iruñea
-The sum of PSN, EH Bildu and Geroa Bai could guarantee the inauguration of the Socialists’ candidacy
-In Pamplona, it would also drop NA+ and lose two councilors, unlike EH Bildu, who would get another
The Navarra Suma coalition (NA+) would win the elections to the Parliament of Navarre, if the elections were held now and presented under the same acronym, but it would lose three of the 20 representatives it won in the 2019 elections, according to the EITB’s 27th Macro Survey group , EITB FOCUS.
This new wave of EITB FOCUS has been carried out when there is one year left before the elections, which were to be held on the last Sunday of May 2023. Today EITB publishes the third and final episode, this time on the elections to Parliament and the capital of Navarre.
This is how the survey project is lowering NA+, Geroa Bai and Podemos, increasing EH Bildu, Ezkerra and Vox, and the same representation for the PSN
NA+ would go from the current 20 to 17lost 15% of its representation in the Legislative Chamber, although it would remain the most voted power. The PSN would follow in second placewith the same representatives (11) as in the previous elections.
Intention to vote for the Parliament of Navarre. Image: EITB MEDIA
EH Bildu meanwhile would become the third most voted power, going from 7 to 9 representatives, as opposed to Geroa Bai, which would go from 9 to 8. Left-Ezkerra I would get two reps, one more.
Vox would enter the Navarrese parliament for the first time with 2 representatives, represented both in the Chamber and in the capital.
Finally, Can would lose representation, from two to one, in line with the trend drawn by the EITB survey for municipal and regional elections.

Intention to vote for the Parliament of Navarre. Image: EITB MEDIA
74.1% of the population of Navarre approves of the management of the Foral government, that is, they rate it between 5 and 10, with an average of 5.8.

Assessment of the Navarrese population to management. Image: EITB MEDIA
The opinion of the Navarrese population is contradictory with regard to the representation projected by the surveys, as the PSN is the formation that does the best for 15.3%compared to 2.7% who think the same about NA+.
EH Bildu is the second formation to have a higher opinion of the political work it does, as 12.6% of those polled believe it does the best. In third place is Geroa Bai with 7.9%, UPN with 3%, the aforementioned NA+ with 2.7% and the PP with 0.8%.
Maria chivite gets a 5.6 and the vast majority of those polled know the socialist president.

Evaluation of María Chivite. Image: EITB MEDIA
Likewise, Uxue Boats is presented as the best known and most valued spokesperson, for Javier spread in second place, and Barkatxo Ruizon the third.
The methodology used for the preparation of this study is quantitative, using the telephone interview technique. This research technique makes it possible to respond to all proposed objectives and to obtain results with a maximum validity and reliability with which to act effectively.
The population constituting the research universe is made up of the group of people aged 18 years or older, living in Navarre, who carried out the fieldwork from 2 to 4 May 2022. A stratified sample was carried out, with the determination being proportional to quota, also using quantitative methods.
Data sheet:
650 people living in Navarre (400 in Pamplona/Iruñea and 250 in the rest of Nafarroa). Em= ±3.84%, 95% confidence level, p=q=0.5, for Nafarroa data and ±4.89% for Pamplona/Iruñea data. Sample stratified by municipality, gender and age. 9.4% of the surveys were conducted in Basque and the remaining 90.6% in Spanish. Total results weighted by population size of the surveyed municipalities.
The fieldwork was conducted from 2 to 4 May 2022 by means of a telephone interview. The average duration of the survey was 6.03′, with the shortest survey being 5′ and the longest 18′.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.