Questions about compliance with the Education Pact


In view of the doubts after the publication of the draft education planning decree, the dean has indicated that it is a working document. In addition, the Lehendakari has reaffirmed its commitment to “loyally” comply with the educational pact as a whole.

Euskaraz irakurri: Bildarratz: “Ez dago eskola publikoaren funtsezko izaeraren inguruko eztabaidarik, hitzarmenean garbi dago”

During the plenary audit held this Friday in the Basque Parliament, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos-IU asked counsel Jokin Bildarratz and the Lehendakari about the education planning decree Both groups have expressed serious doubts about whether this also applies to the agreements in the educational pact

In response to a question from EH Bildu, the Minister of Education of the Basque Government, Jokin Bildarratz, pointed out that there is no debate about the fundamental nature of public schools, “it is clearly included in the agreement”. “We should not return to previous discussions about the confrontation between the two networks,” he added.

The parliamentarian of the abertzale coalition, Ikotz Arresehas asked counsel whether there is a possibility to make contributions to amend that decree, and the education minister has emphasized that the draft sent to the Basque parliament in this first phase is “a working document”.

Earlier, the Lehendakari reaffirmed its commitment “to the education pact as a whole and to loyal adherence to all consensus reached” in response to a question from Elkarrekin Podemos-IU. Purple Coalition MP Miren Gorrotxategi has expressed doubts about the draft education planning decree, and asked whether it is in line with the spirit and letter of the Education Pact. In particular, he has expressed particular concern about the central role of public schools and anti-segregation measures.

in the opinion of Watch Gorrotxategi, the education pact must be taken care of and for that it is necessary to give value to the monitoring committee by meeting as often as necessary. “The pact must be taken care of, indeed, we all have to take care of it,” said the Lehendakari.

Urkullu has also pointed out that the June 13th will the . Meet committee for supervision of the education pact and that June 20 the Minister of Education, Jokin Bildarratz, will appear on the Education Commission of the Basque Parliament to present and share the work schedule for the next two years.

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Source: EITB


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