The Health Council begins work to reverse the situation in Osakidetza and restore excellence


During the meeting, the Minister of Health, Alberto Martínez, presented a first draft, 264 pages long and open to contributions from all actors. The text defends structural reforms and systemic changes to prevent the deterioration of services

The health table who tries to turn the situation around Osakidetza and the restoration of its excellence is already underway, after celebrating its first meeting this morning in Bilbao. The aim is to reach an agreement on a health pact between the main parties, unions and health agents for the next 10 to 15 years.

During this first meeting, the Minister of Health of the Basque Government, Alberto Martinezeach of the participants has a document It is intended as a starting point and includes an analysis of the challenges facing the health care system. The text defends structural reforms and systemic changes to prevent the continued deterioration of services. The 264-page document is open to contributions from those around the table.

The next steps will be to define the principles of the future Osakidetza and agree on the actions to be carried out. The Basque government predicts that the health pact could be fully operational in March 2025.

In an address to the media before the meeting, the Lehendakari Imanol Pradales explained that this pact “goes beyond reducing waiting lists, which must be done”, and “improving accessibility in primary care, which must be done”, as it also aims to transform the system to work on prevention and management of the disease. “We want to guarantee first-class healthcare that is a benchmark in Europe”, he said.

Imanol Pradales confirms that the health pact is “about” thinking about the long-term transformation of the system

Imanol Pradales confirms that the health pact is “about” thinking about the long-term transformation of the system
Imanol Pradales confirms that the health pact is “about” thinking about the long-term transformation of the system

He also stated that the working table and the final pact “should not prevent us from working every day and from committing ourselves every day to improving the Basque health system”. “There are two different plans (…) We continue to consolidate the workforce, we continue to improve public resources, we continue to try to manage the available resources more effectively and make the necessary investments in health care,” he stated.

In turn, the opposition parties, trade unions, universities and health organizations that participated in the event appreciate this first step, but the majority have shown carefullywaiting for concrete actions.

The proposals put on the table aim to transform the healthcare system to reduce waiting lists, improve primary care and provide quality services, so that it once again becomes a European benchmark.

The meeting was chaired by the Lehendakari and the Minister of Health, and representatives of parties, trade unions and health organizations participated along with them. The most notable absence was that of the ELA trade union, which refused to participate.

Source: EITB


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