Babler out of the race – Chancellor duel Nehammer against Kickl comes to a climax


The battle for the chancellery always culminates in a duel between incumbent Prime Minister Karl Nehammer and his challenger Herbert Kickl. SPÖ leader Andreas Babler is finally out of the race. These are the results of a brand new study by the Institute for Demoscopy & Data Analysis (IFDD), which is available to “Krone”.

“It will come to a head-to-head between Nehammer and Kickl, with a small advantage for the FPÖ. I think it is impossible that Andreas Babler will take part in this race. It is over for Kickl. But the ÖVP still has a chance to overtake him. It is still within the fluctuation range,” said IFDD boss Christoph Haselmayer in an interview with the “Krone”.

There are only a few undecided people
Given the exciting race, the TV confrontations that started on Thursday, especially the final duel on ORF between Nehammer and Kickl on September 23, could be decisive. This time, however, there are exceptionally few undecided people, Haselmayer emphasizes.

“At the moment we are talking about ten to twelve percent who have not yet made up their minds. This is a low value compared to the other National Council elections. At the moment there are usually 15 to 20 percent undecided people in the National Council elections.” The reason for this is that there was a preliminary round with the EU elections. “If you like, that was the qualifying session, because during the election campaign there was more talk about national issues than about European issues.”

It is still getting exciting between the Greens and Neos. At the moment the Pinks have a small advantage. The beer party is weakening. “Even in the end there can still be a heartbreaking finale about whether the beer party wins or not.” Haselmayer sees the reason for the falling values ​​of the beer party in the fact that the young movement no has been hyped by the media for longer. “The journalists are now getting on their nerves that game manager Dominik Wlazny simply says nothing.”

The next three weeks will decide on these outstanding questions. This coming weekend, the ÖVP and FPÖ will start the intensive election campaign at the same time. The People’s Party will start its election campaign on Saturday morning in the Steffl Arena in the 22nd district. Lead candidate Nehammer will position himself as a stable voice in stormy times. The core message of the ÖVP is that it is the party of the center and wants to lead the country back into calmer waters.

Two appearances – but only one goal
Around the same time, FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl starts his Super Saturday in Wels, where the Freedom Party, with Andreas Rabl, is known as mayor. The blue top candidate wants to make his first inflammatory speech at the city festival, and a few hours later his second in Graz. Since Thursday, construction and preparations have been going on in the capital of Styria. Motivation and mobilization are the two magic words at the official launch of the election campaign of the Freedom Party.

“It will be a real spectacle that will electrify and excite the audience. We want to seize this unique opportunity and win the election together with Herbert Kickl,” says the FPÖ. That is precisely why Kickl, who has been emphatically moderate in his television appearances in recent days, will also switch to verbal attack mode again.

Source: Krone


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