Therefore, the coalition government of PNV and PSE-EE will implement next year’s budgets without the support of opposition groups.
The Basque government has completed negotiations with EH Bildu to reach an agreement Budgets for 2025after the sovereigntist coalition rejected the executive’s latest proposal.
In an interview with Euskadi Irratia, the security advisor to the Basque government, Bingen Zupiriahas indicated that after the rejection of the last proposal there will be no agreement with EH Bildu. Next year’s bills will therefore be approved in the Basque parliament, with the sole support of the PNV and the PSE-EE, which have an absolute majority.
Zupiria believes that the government of Lehendakari Pradales has made a “special effort” to meet with the parliamentary groups to which it has sent several proposals regarding the Basque budgets. As he explained, he has persisted “seven meetings and has transferred five different proposals” to the sovereigntist formation, the last of them yesterday Wednesday with a proposal of 100 million euros for housing.
“This morning we received the answer and EH Bildu has said: no, that is why there will be no agreement with this formation“, indicated Zupiria. In any case, he emphasized that they will include in the budget project several issues discussed during the meetings with the opposition groups (EH Bildu, PP and Sumar).
The Finance and Budget Committee of the Basque Parliament will debate and vote this Thursday on the 763 partial charges filed against the budget project. The majority of the accusations (634) were filed by the PP; 62 correspond to Sumar, while EH Bildu has collected 25. The parties supporting the Basque government, PNV and PSE-EE, have raised 39, in addition to the three jointly of PNV, EH Bildu, PSE-EE and Sumar. Vox has not registered any.
Unless there are surprises, the PNV and PSE-EE will reverse the opposition’s partial amendments. However, political groups can reserve amendments for voting until the plenary meeting on December 20.
EH Bildu’s spokesperson at the Gipuzkoa General Assemblies, Maddalen Iriartethe responsibility for approving budgets lies with the government and It was the government that said ‘no’ to the proposals of the sovereigntist coalition. However, he emphasized that PNV and PSE-EE still have the option to support EH Bildu’s amendments. On the other hand, Irirate has criticized the fact that Zupiria announced the end of negotiations during an interview.
Source: EITB

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.