With Walter Rosenkranz, the FPÖ isn’t necessarily sending the most dazzling surprise candidate in the race for the Hofburg. FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl gave the “real young” roses – he was the ideal counter-offer to the “traffic light unit”. The main goal of the election campaign is to appeal to critics of the Corona measures.
The surprise among political insiders was quite great on Tuesday when it became known that she would send Rosencrantz to the duel with incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen. In some places, there was even talk of an “emergency solution” that would put further pressure on the FPÖ party leader.
Kickl: FPÖ candidate “necessary”
Kickl, however, does not want to hear about it: the decision has been made without a doubt, he clarified on Wednesday and accused media reports of the contrary like a newspaper duck. The situation in the country is now more serious and dramatic than it has been for a long time, Kickl continued: “One crisis follows another – and that makes the situation more dangerous every day,” he warned.
The incumbent Federal President is “unbearably silent” when there are too many grievances, justifying the “necessity” of a Liberal candidate.
Rosary: ”Know where the shoe pinches people”
The “sly strategist” Herbert Kickl approached him early on to propose his candidacy, Rosenkranz explained the process within the party. These are special times that we are living through, he also explained in his statement. There is a wide variety of fears, but every hope is constantly dashed by politicians, according to the ‘passionate parliamentarian’. “I know where the people in this country have a problem and where they feel they have been treated unfairly” – lately that has been mainly the Corona crisis.
He now wants to “close ranks” with concerned citizens. He noted, for example, how many people were affected by ‘disproportionate measures’. His focus in the election campaign is mainly on the children and young people in the country, whom he counts among the losers in the crisis.
“Take Back” Wealth and Freedom
“Gone are the days when we hoped for a brighter future,” Rosencrantz said. Under the motto: “Let’s get our Austria back”, but he wanted to “bring back” the “freedom” in the country, he again addressed all those who were recently dissatisfied with the Corona measures in the country.
But prosperity must also be regained – the social security of countless citizens is at stake, reminding them that more and more people can barely cover their daily expenses. The government should act quickly here and not take placebo measures, he also addressed the current political debate.
Wants to impeach “triple party candidate”.
He expects more direct democracy in the country – and the election of the Federal President is ideal because it would bring citizens closer to politics. As Federal President, he wants to provide an answer in clear words to all those “who are aggravating the situation in our country”.
He therefore invites everyone to push the “three-party candidate” Alexander Van der Bellen into a second election – from which he wants to emerge victorious. But of course he would not be ungrateful “if I was directly elected on October 9”.
Source: Krone

I’m an experienced news author and editor based in New York City. I specialize in covering healthcare news stories for Today Times Live, helping to keep readers informed on the latest developments related to the industry. I have a deep understanding of medical topics, including emerging treatments and drugs, the changing laws that regulate healthcare providers, and other matters that affect public health.