Accident rate, remarkable progress on urban roads


An achievement that is always rare when it comes to lives, but which, through concrete actions, points to a positive trend

In road safety, the terms accident and accident are often used synonymously, while this is not the case. The first refers to an involuntary event, usually the result of chance, that causes harm. But the accident is a fact that can be avoided. Taking logical preventive measures and creating the right conditions in the environment are the keys to achieving this and not blaming it on whimsical chance. And best of all, it works.

This is demonstrated by the National Road Safety Observatory’s 2021 30-Day Accident Balance Sheet, which, compared to 2019 data, reflects a 20% decrease in the death rate in Spanish cities. An achievement that is always rare when it comes to lives, but which points to a positive trend as a result of concrete actions, in this case the application of the 30 km/h limit on urban roads with only one lane in each direction. The rule came into effect in May last year and was based on evidence that the risk of death drops sharply when driving at 30 km/h: 10%, compared to 90% at 50 km/h. In this case, the braking distance is almost doubled, causing that risk index to rise exponentially.

As the Director General of the DGT, Pere Navarro, recently noted: “This is indeed a measure that aims to protect the vulnerable in the urban area”, where the trend of previous years pointed in the opposite direction.

Source: La Verdad


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