50% of drivers do not know how to act in the event of a breakdown or accident and endanger themselves


The safety of the belt is maintained if the person remains in a good posture. There is no point in holding the seat belt if we are moved or turned from our seat relative to the front position

The moment of an accident or breakdown while driving is a moment of great tension. In addition to the inherent risk that this situation poses, there is also the danger added by the rest of the traffic that continues to circulate around it. According to data from the DGT, in 2020 there were 6 deaths and 6 serious injuries repairing the vehicle on the road and 1 person died and 4 were injured.
serious injuries that helped in a previous accident.

And it is that there are many who do not know how to act in case of breakdown or accident, as well as the confusing and incomplete legislation regarding the V16 signal. In fact, 30% didn’t get out of the car through the door furthest from traffic and 50% don’t know if they should
stay in the car and fasten the seat belt of safety.

This is data collected by Fundación CEA and ASITUR through a survey of 715 drivers living in Spain. Similarly, 44% of those surveyed have required assistance from the towage service in the past 5 years. More than 30% called the helpdesk before taking the necessary security measures.

74.5% of the respondents answered that after the accident or breakdown they did have the option to stop in a safe place. The 25.5 reacts negatively, that is, the
the place where you stopped the vehicle was inappropriate or dangerous At a time when it is not possible to stop in a safe place when the danger warning devices (triangles and V-16 signal) and the good visibility of people on the road wearing a high-visibility vest, it is decisive .

94.65% of those surveyed answered that they activated the emergency and position lights based on the simultaneous conditions at the time. 5.35% answered negatively. This is a very positive fact. According to the DGT Statistical Yearbook (2020), there were a total of 26,611 fatal accidents on interurban roads, of which 8,069 (just over 30%) occurred between sunset and sunrise, with no light or with artificial light. In these casualty accidents, in almost 12% of the cases, there were weather conditions that impeded visibility (rain, fog, snow, etc.).

Also at the time of
have a malfunction, the data is more worrying 50.55% confirm that when they were unable to exit the vehicle, they were holding their seat belts, while 49.45% had not fastened them. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the safety of the seat belt is maintained if the person is kept in a good posture. There is no point in holding on to the seat belt if we are moved from our seat or turned from the front position. The other passive safety elements, such as the airbag and the headrest, will also not perform their function properly and can even be harmful to the person.

many of these acts are punishable

– The driver of the vehicle listed with an MMA of not more than 3,500 kg who does not move on the roadside berm to his right and which, for emergency reasons, does so at an abnormally low speed and thereby seriously hinders traffic, is a serious offense that bears ​​200 euros.

– Failure to place the vehicle or its load where it least hinders traffic, after it has remained immobilized on the road or has dropped its load on it, is a minor offense of 80 euros.

-Not having the position lights when the vehicle is stationary on the road or verge, between sunset and sunrise or under conditions that reduce visibility is a serious violation of 200 euros.

– Failure to use the emergency lighting to signal the presence of a vehicle that is stationary on the highway or dual carriageway is a minor offense entailing 80 euros.

– Failure to use the emergency lighting to signal the presence of an immobilized vehicle in places or conditions that significantly reduce visibility is also a minor offense of 80 euros.

-The driver of the vehicle who does not use the regulated reflective vest when leaving the vehicle, occupying the road or the shoulder on an interurban road is a serious offense of 200 euros.

-Do not use or use incorrectly, the legal danger warning devices to warn of the condition of immobilization of the vehicle or the fall of the load on the road is a minor error of 80 euros.

-Incorrect placement of the danger warning devices to warn of the condition of immobilization of the vehicle or the fall of the load on the road (specify the way they are placed, it is also a minor error of 80 euros.

-The occupant of a vehicle immobilized on the dual carriageway or highway driving on the carriageway due to an emergency situation, traffic regulations, a compensation of 80 euros.

-Driving the assessed vehicle without wearing the accessories, spare parts and/or accessories established by regulation. Vehicle regulations, also light 80 euros.

It is important to take into account some simple actions that will allow us to increase safety in the first moments after an accident or breakdown:

In case of bad luck, if the road is blocked, the vehicle should be signaled and try to clear it in the shortest possible time, trying to comply with stopping and parking regulations. That is, from the road and hard shoulder, if any. The emergency triangles and, if present, the V-16 signal are used to signal the vehicle. In addition, the position lights come on in poor visibility or bad weather conditions.

If the vehicle can continue to drive safely, exit the lanes. If it is a motorway or dual carriageway, the right-hand shoulder can be used until the first available exit.

If the vehicle cannot circulate, it should stop on the right shoulder or where it creates the least possible obstruction. In this case, the occupants must exit the vehicle if there is a safe place off the road, leaving the vehicle on the opposite side of traffic, without remaining on the road or on the shoulder. If they exist, the safest place is behind the protective biondas.

If you are traveling with pets, it is best to leave them in the vehicle. If they are unable to exit the vehicle, they must remain inside, seated properly and with their seat belts fastened.

Likewise, we must contact the emergency service and if we find ourselves in a dangerous situation, contact the relevant traffic authority.

In the event of an accident“If we are involved, we must stop in such a way that there is no new danger to traffic. Get an idea of ​​the state of play and establish a priority order to ensure road safety and help victims.

If a person has died, the condition of the vehicles should not be changed to determine responsibilities in the accident. If there are any injuries, seek medical attention and provide assistance if we are aware of it. If we deem it necessary, ask for the presence of traffic officers.

It is prohibited to complete the accident report on the road or on the hard shoulder and you must move to a safe place off the road. To be clear about the sequence of action, remember the acronym PAS (Protect, Alert, Help).

With regard to other motorists, it is important to remember that outside the city, a lateral separation of 1.5 meters must be observed when approaching pedestrians who are on the road and must occupy all or part of the adjacent lane. That same separation must be maintained with immobilized vehicles on the road or emergency vehicles when conducting relief and rescue operations.

Source: La Verdad


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