Tricks to prevent the motorcycle from being stolen


More than 12,000 motorcycles are stolen every year in Spain

New motorcycle sales have so far increased 12% this year to 100,000 units. The comfort they bring, the savings in time and fuel in the daily commute, the ease of parking and handling and, especially in these times, their lower purchase and maintenance costs are causing their sales to skyrocket. But the number of thefts of this type of vehicle has also grown.

In Spain, more than 12,000 motorcycles “disappear” every year, with Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Madrid and Seville at the head of the cities where the most thefts take place. And Catalonia, by far the municipality where more motorcycles are stolen, followed by Madrid and Andalusia. Only one in ten is recovered, so the AMV experts give us a series of tips to avoid falling victim to the friends of others.

In the event of theft, the insured must immediately contact the competent authorities and file a complaint, which is an essential requirement for claiming compensation. In this sense, it is worth knowing that the state and regional security forces and bodies have virtual offices for complaints.

As for the profile of the thieves, the vast majority of robberies are improvised, 85% and only 15% planned, adding that the profile of the thieves is for the most part young people who are in groups and are between the ages of 20 and 27 years old.

Source: La Verdad


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