Seriously injured – 16-year-old fell with a paraglider


A serious recreational accident occurred in the Kitzbüheler Alpen on Thursday shortly after noon. A 16-year-old Briton fell with a paraglider and suffered serious injuries.

At around 12.30 pm, the young pigeon took off from the start Markbachjoch near Niederau (municipality of Wildschönau) and flew towards the valley station. A witness saw the pilot suddenly go into a spiral flight. During the circular motion, the Briton then fell for unknown reasons.

Bone fractures and craniocerebral trauma
According to initial assessments by rescuers, the 16-year-old suffered multiple broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. The witness of the accident initiated the rescue chain. The seriously injured person was flown to the Innsbruck clinic.

Source: Krone


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