Convocations – Speaker of Parliament: “No protection for MPs”


Not least after the telephone joke against the Kremlin spokesman’s son, who only said he would “set things up at a higher level” following an alleged draft order due to the partial mobilization of the Russian armed forces, there is Now a debate is flaring up among the elites. What does the Kremlin command mean to you? Should she also go to war? For parliament leader Vyacheslav Volodin, the situation is very clear: “There is no protection for the deputies.”

“Anyone who meets the requirements of partial mobilization must help by participating in the special military operation,” the Duma chief said on his news channel Telegram on Thursday. The head of parliament reacted to the not uncommon opinion in parliamentary circles that Putin’s call for national defense does not apply to them.

“Some delegates already in Donbass”
An MP said he was needed in the country. At the same time, Volodin praised the fact that there are already parliamentarians deployed in Donbass. According to him, only reservists with combat experience and special military training are called up.

Putin’s confidant also acknowledged that “problems are emerging that concern our citizens” following street protests and reports of mass exodus of young Russians from the country. Volodin said Russian troops in Ukraine are also fighting “NATO forces” today. “In Ukraine, there are NATO trainers, mercenaries from NATO countries, NATO equipment, weapons and ammunition,” he said. There, 1000 kilometers of front line should be defended.

Mobilization “takes months”
Meanwhile, military strategists and intelligence agencies question Russia’s ability to mobilize 300,000 reservists for the war against Ukraine. “Russia is likely to face logistical and administrative challenges to gather the 300,000 soldiers,” the Defense Ministry said in London on Thursday, citing intelligence findings.

Colonel Bernhard Gruber of the Austrian Armed Forces told the “Krone” on Wednesday: After a short medical examination, the training of the reservists would begin, some of whom left the army long ago. “You have to make a distinction here: if I train a hunter group, it is done in one to two months. If I need a tank crew, it takes longer. And if I want to turn an entire association into a fighting community, it takes months. Here we are in the middle of winter.” Gruber saw a problem in the trainers: “For the most part, presence units are deployed and fight in Ukraine. Or have already fallen.”

Source: Krone


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