Austrians on the list – Europe-wide call to hunt criminals


Two Austrians top the list for the ENFAST search network’s most wanted campaign.

“You can take them down” – under this motto, the European target-finding network ENFAST (launched in 2010 on a red-white-red initiative; editor’s note) together with the police authority Europol launched a public campaign to hunt down Europe’s most wanted criminals with the help of the population.

Current manhunt calls (viewed at target the masterminds of the organized crime field. From murder and terrorism to armed robbery, fugitives are undoubtedly among the most dangerous criminals in Europe.

And two Austrians are also at the top of the international wanted list: firstly, long-term fugitive prostitute murderer Tibor Foco – and as of this year also suspected major drug dealer Martin Schabel. The “Krone” reported extensively on his escape and even found him in a marina in Italy.

“The detectives of the Federal Criminal Police Office are highly professional experts and at the same time a figurehead of the Austrian police. These specialists make an important contribution to ensure that no fugitive perpetrator can feel safe – wherever he tries to hide,” said Secretary of the Interior Gerhard Karner.

Source: Krone


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