The Basque government already manages the 972 million euros received from the Next Generation Funds


In total, the Basque Country has received 1,154 million, of which 85% is administered by the executive and the rest by the state. The Territorial Planning and Economic Development departments monopolize 50% of the allocated resources.

Euskaraz irakurri: Next Generation funtsetatik jasotako 972 milioi euro kudeatzean ari da dagoeneko Eusko Jaurlaritza

The Basque government has received a total of 1,154 million euros from Next Generation European Fundsof which 972 millions (almost 85%) is administered by the executive, while the rest is directly administered by the Spanish state.

This was announced by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pedro Azpiazu, during an appearance in the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budgets. The amount allocated has increased since its last appearance last June.

“When Next Generation finances funds, we have always seen them as a opportunityThat is even more so now that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has placed us at a new crossroads,” he explained.

It has become apparent, for example, that the distribution of these funds among the various departments, led by Iñaki Arriola (Territorial planning, housing and transport) and that of Arantxa Tapia (Economic development, sustainability and environment) are assigned 25.24% and 24.22% respectively, although in this case the cumulative figure is 49.46%.

In addition to providing the data, Azpiazu took the opportunity to announce that the Executive presented two projects to the RETECH initiative, worth 32.6 million euros, aimed at Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. The aim of RETECH is to articulate regional projects focused on digital transformation and specialization.

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Source: EITB


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