In addition, the number of employed persons has increased by 4,100. According to Eustat data, the number of employed persons decreased by 19,600 and the number of unemployed by 9,500 in the past year.
Euskaraz irakurri: EAEko langabezia rate % 7.9ra jaitsi da hirugarren hiruhilekoan
In the Basque Country, unemployment fell to 7.9% in the third quarter, 6 tenths of a percentage point less than in the second quarter of 2022. Last year, unemployment fell from 8.8% in the third quarter of 2021 to 7 .9% from the third quarter of 2022, down 0.9 percentage points.
The number of unemployed this quarter is estimated at 82,400 and the number in work stands at 967,200, 0.4% more than in the second quarter of 2022. Last year the number of employed persons increased by 19,600 and the number of unemployed decreased by 9,500
The data for the third quarter of 2022 of the Basque Autonomous Community labor market reflect 4,100 more employed and 6,800 fewer unemployed than the previous quarter, according to data compiled by Eustat.
Due to the evolution of the working population and the unemployed, the activity rate was 56.2% in the third quarter, two tenths less than the previous quarter.
By province and compared to the previous quarter, employment in Bizkaia increased by 4,800 people, in Gipuzkoa by 200 and in Álava by 800. In the capitals, employment in Bilbao increased by 5,000 people; on the other hand, in San Sebastián it drops by 300 and in Vitoria-Gasteiz by 1,200 people.
The largest increase in employment occurred among men (+2,100), while that among women increased in 2000. In terms of nationality, foreign nationals in work increased by 4,700 (+5.8%), while those of foreign nationals the Spanish nationality by 500 (-0.1%).
Employment rising in all sectors
The workforce in the Basque Country has increased by 1,800 people (+24.3%) in the primary sector, by 900 (+0.5%) in industry, by 800 (+0.1%) in the service sector and by 700 in construction ( +1.2%
The employment rate, calculated as the percentage of working people aged 16 to 64 over the total of those ages, rose 0.2 percentage point compared to the previous quarter and stood at 69.9%. This percentage reaches 73.3% in men, while it is 66.6% for women.
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Source: EITB
I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.