Hundreds of thousands of euros – electricity crisis, but Wien Energie treats itself to a noble feast


200,000 euros for the catering industry, plus room rental and Co. While many Austrians are struggling with extremely high electricity and gas prices, urban energy giants Wien Energie and Wiener Netze are affording lavish parties.

No one begrudges hard-working employees their Christmas party. Especially after two pandemic years in which almost nothing has happened. But especially in the energy sector you have to be tactful. Electricity and gas prices are reaching extremes. And many Viennese no longer know how to pay for it.

Nevertheless: Wien Energie invites its 2,500 employees to the Marx Halle on December 6, followed the day after by the celebration of Wiener Netze (approx. 2,400 employees). The catering is provided by the company Sodexo (yes, that’s the company with the climate bonus checks).

A total of 350,000 euros (both days) is budgeted for preparation, organization and hospitality alone. Another 35,000 euros for food. “Among other things, 100 kilos of venison and 80 kilos of salmon have been ordered. Drinks are not included in the price,” an insider tells “Krone”. There are also room rentals, decorations, etc.

Neither Wien Energie nor Wiener Netze want to comment further on the costs. After not having a party for two years, they want to give the employees a bit of normalcy back. You counted sparingly. Per capita “80 to 90 euros”, explains a spokeswoman for the company. With 2,500 employees, that is about 225,000 euros for the party of the electricity supplier.

The networks claim the same way. The party would be celebrated a day later in the Marx Halle in order to reduce the logistical effort (set-up, transport, room rental). Nevertheless, this party will also fall in a comparable price range to that of Wien Energie.

1650 euros for chestnuts, 430 euros for biscuits
Both operators indicate that they will spend less this time than in 2019. And both companies belong to the municipal utility company. The Stadtwerke and their subsidiaries are also holding punch festivals in Erdberg (3rd district) this year. The caterer charges 7,000 euros for the celebration on November 30. Including 1650 euros for chestnuts, 430 euros for biscuits. Three more (cheaper) fetuses follow.

Source: Krone


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