“Collaborative activity will remain strong in the Basque Country”


For its part, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa wished “good luck to both the two companies and the Mondragon Group in this new phase”.

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The Ministry of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government, headed by Minister Arantxa Tapia, has respect until Decision of Ulma and Oronaand is convinced that “cooperative activity will remain strong” in the Basque Country.

In a statement, the department indicated that the decision of the cooperative members of Grupo Ulma and Orona “in a overwhelming and in shape legitimate“, at the extraordinary meetings held this Friday in San Sebastián and Hernani respectively.

In addition, he pointed out that “the industry in the Basque Country is now facing a new organizational reality, in which cooperative activity will remain strong”.

Finally, he pointed out that “we must all recognize ourselves in this moving reality and work together to make the Basque economy more competitive”.

For his part, the Delegate for Economic Promotion of Gipuzkoa, Jabier Larranagahas the “respect” of the Diputación on the “decision taken, sovereignly, by the partners” of Ulma and Orona, and wished “the best of luck to both the two companies and the Mondragon Groupin this new phase”.

“They are all key factors for our economic and social development”, Larrañaga assured in a statement; According to him, it is now “time to look ahead and work for the future”: “From the institutions, we must continue to work with companies with the common goal of a competitive industry and a strong economy in Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country, which promotes our well-being and our social cohesion,” he noted.

He has assured that “the contribution that the cooperative model has made to Gipuzkoa is and will remain indisputable”, since “the values ​​that inspire cooperatives are the values ​​of the territory, and, beyond the business or legal configuration that acquire, the real challenge to keep them alive every day and project into the future” to “maintain competitive companies; that is our collective responsibility, the legacy we must preserve and leave to the next generations”, he concluded.

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Source: EITB


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