They continue to negotiate in the metal after seeing the Basque government’s proposal as insufficient


The unions and employers have agreed to continue negotiations to try and reconcile positions and will meet again next Friday to do so.

Euskaraz irakurri: Negoziatzen jarraituko dute Bizkaiko metalgintzan, Jaurlaritzaren proposamena nahikoa iruditu ez zaielako

The negotiation of metal convention of Bizkaia with the mediation of the Basque government will continue next Friday after the parties considered as insufficient a proposal put forward by the autonomous executive at this Monday’s meeting with the unions and employers.

The trade union representatives, the Biscay Federation of Metalworkers (FVEM) and the Basque government held in Bilbao the second meeting under the mediation of the Executive, in which “the discrepancies between the parties have been further explored”, the union majority representing the CC.OO., LAB and UGT at the negotiating table has reported.

As they have indicated, the Basque government has risen after the first meeting last Monday an offerwhich is “not enough for the parties”.

Trade unions and employers have pledged keep negotiating to try to bring positions closer and will meet again next Friday to that end.

The Basque government decided to call on the parties to a mediation process because of the discrepancies with no sign of a solution that trade unions and employers after more than eleven days strike in the industry in 2022.

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Source: EITB


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